George Takei with his husband, Brad Altman

There’s no way to express how happy we are that you’re a part of all our lives, and how thankful we are for the contributions you’ve made to the popular culture. You’ve inspired us, you’ve made made us laugh, you’ve kept us on the edge of our seats, you’ve made us think, and you’ve been a champion for gay and lesbian rights. You celebrate life every day – so today we’d like to celebrate yours.

This video was created by a Trekkie band called “Five Year Mission”, and we think it’s pretty amazing. And thus suitable for our own shout out to you.

Happy birthday, George Takei!

SCIFI Radio Staff

SCIFI Radio Staff is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.