Elise Neal and Quincy Fouse in 'Logan' 2017
Elise Neal and Quincy Fouse in Logan, 2017

Recently I spoke with Quincy Fouse about his career and work on The CW series Legacies. Quincy has also appeared in Logan and several other genre projects and was kind enough to share his experience on and off camera with us.

How did you get into acting and what was your big break? 

I actually was brought into the acting business by Shannon Brown’s (EmpireBallers) mom who taught my gym class in Indy and saw my class clowning as talent! I learned a lot from from dope sets like K.C. Undercover and The Goldbergs but I’d say my big break was filming Logan.

What sort of preparation work (if any) did you do prior to filming and how much of the prior series had you seen?

My mom is my point man when it comes to history because she’s a huge fan of The Vampire Diaries universe but I watched just enough to be familiar with the breath of the world I was coming into. My preparation focused on how I saw MG process the supernatural and how the supernatural influenced changes on his life. I had to acknowledge and understand where he is mentally from first turning to where he is in episode one of the first season.

Legacies — “What Was Hope Doing in Your Dreams?” Quincy Fouse as MG
Photo: Jace Downs/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

Playing a vampire must have challenges beyond a more traditional role; how did you go about this and how would you say you and your character have changed since you started?

I really just embraced the physicality with my imagination and as an actor it helps me “naturally” react to hungers and senses that aren’t really there, which plays a huge part in creating the rest of MG’s psyche, so I’ve been able to really grow into being a vampire with MG since he’s new to this himself.

What have been some of your more memorable moments from filming?

Definitely screaming “mmmmmmbutter” before a shot when everyone’s sick of me being annoying.

What can you tell us about the make up and visual effects on the show and what it is like to work with them?

Y’know it’s cool and all, but it ruins other movies for you because now you know how the magic is made and it just don’t hit the same. Instead of screaming at the gore in the scary movie, you just have an artist’s appreciation of the thorough work.

What has been the most challenging part of the role and the most rewarding?

The most challenging part is figuring out when it’s okay for MG to be manly hero MG or soft and cheesy MG. Both are very rewarding to portray though.

How have you handled events like SDCC and other conventions and do you have any memories or experiences you can share?

I have a video on my Instagram of these dope fans that made me socks with my Soul Fro logo on them and then put Legacies faces on bottles of Tapitio hot sauce. I don’t think I’m supposed to have this much power. But I love it.

What are your memories from Logan and would you like to play the character again?

I learned how to ride a horse bareback in basketball shorts for the role! Would I play ol’ Nate Munson again? Resurrect me and saddle me up … better yet, don’t (cause … I can ride a horse without the saddle).

What do you like to do in your free time?

Write stories, make music, light boxing and tumbling/tricking.

What else do you have coming up?

I’m currently working on my next album ‘Son of the Ronin’ but in the meantime I’m putting out an instrumental project on SoundCloud dedicated to calming the nerves to being grounded and finding peace called ‘Rejuve’ in November.

You seem to be drawn to genre projects; were you a fan of science fiction/horror and what have been your favorite shows or films?

I do have an appreciation for sci-fi and horror, but my main squeeze would be martial arts classics like Wu Xia and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


This article originally appeared in SKNR.NET.

Gareth Von Kallenbach
Gareth Von Kallenbach

Gareth is the mastermind behind the popular pop media site Skewed and Reviewed. He lives in Arizona with his wife Em McBride.