Each year, WonderCon is host to a wide variety of panels on everything from filmmaking to comics to writing and everything in between. One of the more popular panels for the past ten years is Topher Davila’s How to Have a Full-Time Creative Career on a Part Time Schedule. Davlia is the art director and prime motivator for a geek t-shirt and apparel company called Geekdomwear. This year the panel was produced by The Con Guy internet talk show.

The incredible panel has been a feature at both WonderCon and San Diego Comic-Con for over 10 years. It’s for people who are striving to create space in their lives for full-time creative pursuits — whether in geek or pop culture — while still maintaining a “day job” and juggling everyday responsibilities. It covers group management, time management, exposure, and pitfalls, and encourages participants to network with one another, work with one another, and support each other. It also helps to answer that question: When do I quite my day job to pursue my creative career full-time?

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This year, because of the COVID-19 global coronavirus pandemic, WonderCon, normally held at the Anaheim Convention Center in May, had to go full virtual. That meant that what panels as could do so, made their presentations online for convention members. And, this year, as many years previously, the station manager and founder of SCIFI.radio itself was one of the panelists.

Here is the entire panel, hosted by Derek Samms of The Con Guy Show. The panelists include Luke Cheeseman of The Con Guy Show, Topher Davila of Geekdomwear, Renah Wolzinger, producer of film and music, Gene Turnbow, the founder and station manager of SCIFI.radio and his new publishing imprint Helium Beach, and Sean Glummace, Adobe Education Leader and letterer in the comic book industry.


SCIFI Radio Staff
SCIFI Radio Staff

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